Saturday 27 April 2013

A Quiet Week!

So the past week I really have not been very busy! Last weekend (19th and 20th April) we were in Masaka. On the Friday we just came for our weekly visit and ended up bumping into our friends Emma and Svandis who invited us out on the Saturday night so of course, we got our groove on and attended!

Friday first though as it was a very successful day, Angela you would be proud! After chilling with the internet for the morning Kate and I headed down to the market where we went a little mad! Actually as I sit writing this now I am in one of 3 new dresses…6 items in total, £1.50 spent! It isn’t even as if the stuff is really bad quality! I have one beautiful silk dress, one pale blue topshop dress and various other wonderful items, and each thing only cost me 25p! It has made me a bit of a sewing addict as almost everything I bought needed revamped or fixed, maybe I should start a business?

After spending way too much money and a lovely swim we all headed home to relax with some milk tea and Spooks while I sewed up my new silk dress. Sadly I missed the end of Spooks because after sewing up my dress I snuggled up to Kate and was soon letting out the zzzzz’s! In all fairness to me, I was getting up very early to spend the day with some pupils and interview a woman!

Saturday morning I was up early and headed off to meet Robinah and Angela’s mother. It was a lovely day even though they tried to force feed me 3 massive plates of food…I barely managed to even dent the piles! No matter, we had an excellent time and I got some fabulous information and photos. I have realised that a lot of women just accept things, beating, abuse and a husband with atleast 8 other wives!? The rights in Uganda for women are just atrocious!

Saturday, Kate and I decided to get a boda to Masaka from the village because I was being a stubborn child and didn’t want to get in the matatu, seriously they are death traps! It was fine, although I broke the necklace from Mikey and Laura, it is okay though, just a little shorter but I still wear it almost every day! When we arrived in Masaka we gave our faces a wash and then started to get ready to hit the pork joint and then the club! I must say I got really drunk and don’t really remember much after that. However I did get into the club for free and then got a really cheap boda home with Kate…we also took lots of photos of the two of us and Kate spat water across the floor, that’s all from that night though!

The past week has been quiet but unbelievably busy! I have been visiting people, attending meetings, writing reports, looking after kids and trying not to tear my hair out. It has been good being so busy but at the same time I am ready for the break! That is why today we are sitting planning our road trip with Emma and Svandis! I am so excited for this break and can’t wait to fill you all in on my adventures across more of Uganda! Just to let you know now, a lovely public way to strike fear in my parents hearts, we are getting a car! Woooo!!

All my love

Your Ugandan Girl. X

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