Sunday 21 April 2013

A quick catch up, don't panic it is no where near as long as the last ones!!

My birthday was one of the greatest birthdays I have ever had in my short 19 years of birthdays. It was so unexpected, happy and fun. I had been worried when I first arrived here about being upset about having my birthday away from my family and friends for the first time ever, but in all honesty I barely thought of anything other than what was happening right in that moment!

I woke up after a great sleep and headed out to the kitchen to make myself a tasty cup of tea, it was a great cuppa even if I do say so myself! I was up for a long time by myself since I had woken up at 6, maybe the first birthday I ever have woken up so early. Eventually the others arose and came into my room to open presents and a big cuddle. Calum was away in Jinja and Holly was making herself breakfast so really it was only Kate and I cuddled on my bed opening presents, she got me a long spoon and a yellow face cloth…TEAM YELLOW! That wasn’t the end of the team yellow though, because after the children had sang Happy Birthday to me at school it was time for sports day…cue Kate, Holly and myself dressing up in our colours!

Yellow didn’t do that well on the sports day, our runners are all Bolt’s rather than Farah’s therefore long distance was not the greatest thing for us! It didn’t matter that we weren’t winning because our spirit was high all day long and our team was constantly FULL of laughs! It was magical seeing them all dance and shout, “Yellow, go, go, team yellow!!” Too much fun to even try and describe! I got a little too involved and seen as I was in a football strip (originally meant for Jamie, a ten year old, it was tight...) I thought I would be able to run with some of the boys while handing out water...turns out I am really unfit and after half a lap I was knackered and had been lapped by every one! Don’t worry, they all got some water and some great laughs!

After a wonderful sports day we headed home to wipe the paint off of our cheeks and get dressed a little more appropriately before heading into school for lunch and even more excitement. This is when something almost unbelievable happened, seriously I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t been there myself! I was given a bike. A BRAND NEW BIKE!

That night we celebrated in style with a party of pork and music. It was very relaxed and chilled and ended with me snoozing in the garden with James, Matia, Holly, Kate and Calum, a good end to a good day!

Now I know I haven’t written to much lately about what I have been doing but in all honesty I haven’t done much! After a great week we went to the Sesse Islands where I relaxed, walked with Kate and got very drunk, the excitement!! Sadly my camera died when we arrived but I will steal some of Kate’s pictures for you to see!

The past two weeks have been incredibly dull, my camera actually had dust on it from how little it was used! I spent a week and a half getting over illness then the rest of my time fighting with the teachers about the fact that they NEVER go to their lessons.  I felt it was unfair that as volunteers we were working more than the paid teachers therefore after a few meetings the problems have now been resolved!

Thats all for now! 

All my love

Your Ugandan Girl. X

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