Friday 21 September 2012

Hotel ZEBRA?!

What a wonderful weekend we have had! I mean Friday was a bit rough, I walked out of the house in tears because I was thinking of home too much and listening to my ipod made me think of home an awful lot! It was not a nice feeling at all! But then I went down to see Justine about getting a shovel. No, things have not got that bad that I have killed one of the kids or anyone for that matter, and yes I am still sane! I decided that I should get a project for us. We need something to do when we get bored at weekends, especially since if we don’t we just give ourselves time to think which does no one any good! However on my shovel retrieval project I ended up just looking after baby Elaina while Justine worked in the garden for an hour or so, it was amazing! I think Justine is a mind reader and also knows my soft spot for gorgeous little babies, because after having an hour long cuddle with Elaina I suddenly felt a million times better! Yes I am going to miss my beautiful babies grow up at home but then I am going to get to see Elaina take her first steps and say her first words! Who else can say they have seen a little black Suri grow up?! (Elaina is impossibly fashionable!)

After that the weekend only got better! We got a taxi to Masaka on the Saturday morning for our first mini break together where we stayed in a lovely hotel with…a flushing toilet!!! Oh it was beautiful!! The sound of that water washing away your pee instead of shimmying in every direction to try and aim your pee into a tiny hole, it was love! Not only did it have a toilet, but it had a shower and internet! Jeeso I was certainly not in Cansas anymore Toto! It was a wonderful little break. It let me talk to mum and dad for free, read my emails from my wonderful friends and get a lovely email from Greg, SO GOD DAMN HAPPY!!!! After spending a good hundred of hours on the internet we decided it was time to call it quits. The only issue was, the next morning when I went down to check on my emails one last time I was told that it cost us for the internet…slight issue as we were probably owe the hotel about a million shillings! So if you ever go to Masaka in Uganda, and decide to stay in the Zebra feel free to pay off our debts. That’s right we legged it in the morning from our debt, they  hadn’t realised we had been using their internet so it wasn’t so bad!

We bought a lot of things in Masaka which was nice! However cost us a fortune so we definitely cannot holiday like that very often! However we have got paint so we are going to paint the kitchen and possibly do some things to the loo as well! Our place is going to be the best ever! Future volunteers have got a lot to live up to.

When we got home on the Sunday we just chilled on the grass looking at the stars with a cup of hot chocolate which was fantastic. Honestly was just like a movie moment! We discussed books and whether or not we like charity shops (of course I do, everything has a different story and you will never know what it is!) and just looked at the stars. It became even better when we saw a shooting star, what a magical night!

So I am now onto my second week of teaching and I am still standing! More to the point the kids are still standing! I thought teaching mum how to use Facebook was hard but now I have to teach kids how to actually type?! Don’t you worry mama, I will be able to teach you anything on the computer when I get home! Reckon I might actually have the patience of a Saint by the end of this year! However I am very impatient with some of my art pupils! I may have accidently (so on purpose!!!) told my second year to stop talking and be quiet until they had learnt some manners. The class were stunned to silence, which never normally happens because they are always laughing at us. Oh yeah, I showed them who’s boss! School isn’t too bad actually. I quite enjoy teaching some of the classes because it gives me something to do, and although the kids are really cheeky and sometimes rude, since some of them have discovered I am ‘married’ they all treat me more like a mother than a girl they all want to be friends with or go out with. It makes me feel a lot more comfortable!! Some of the girls even give me cuddles when they are lonely, and one girl gave me some sugar cane today. It is super tricky to eat but dayum tasty! If I go home with no teeth we will all know it is because I am in love with sugar cane now and I have to strip it with my teeth…no easy job by the way!
So my art class; never an enjoyable experience I assure you. If it is enjoyable for me then there is definitely a blue moon on it’s way and if they enjoy it, then the world is coming to an end! I cannot do art which everyone knows, whether you know me or not you will see my odd doodle of a flower which is often wonky! But these poor children are stuck with me for a whole year, and I am hoping that if I wing every lesson and shout about toning and shading enough I will sound like my old art teacher. I am pretty sure it is all he ever did anyway…

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